
Image for Léman Athletics - Fall Registration

Léman Athletics - Fall Registration

Posted on 09/01/2023

Dear Upper School and Middle School Students and Families,

If you have not done so far and you are interested in playing a sport this fall,  please click on the sign-up for Fall Athletics Form.  

Fall Season (August(end)-October(end)):

7th & 8th Grade Co-Ed Soccer Team-Begins Monday 8/28 at 11am in the Morris Street Gym 

7th & 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Team- Begins Monday 8/28 at 2pm in the Broad Street Gym

Varsity Girls Volleyball Team-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 10am in the Morris Street Gym

Junior Girls Varsity Volleyball-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 10am in the Morris Street Gym

Varsity Boys Soccer-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 11:00am in the Morris Street Gym

Varsity Girls Soccer-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 11:00am in the Morris Street Gym

Varsity Girls Tennis-Begins Monday, 8/28 at 10am in the Morris Street GYM   

Varsity Co-Ed Cross Country Team -Begins Monday, 8/28 at 2pm in the Morris Street Gym

7th & 8th Grade Co-Ed Swimming Team -Begins Tuesday 9/27 @ 3PM in the Morris Pool

Varsity Coed Swimming- Begins Tuesday 9/27 @ 3PM in the Morris Pool  


Winter Season (November-March): Form. 

7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball-Begins November 13th  

7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball-Begins November 13th 

7th & 8th Grade Co-Ed Swimming-Begins November 1st                                                                              

Varsity Boys Basketball-Begins October 30th 

Varsity Girls Basketball-Begins October 30th

Junior Varsity Boys Basketball-Begins October 30th 

Junior Varsity Girls Basketball-Begins October 30th                                                                                                                           

Varsity Coed Swimming-Begins November 1st

Varsity Coed Track-Begins November 6th

Varsity Coed Table Tennis-Begins November 7th 


Spring Season (March-May):

7th & 8th Grade Coed Track & Field 

Varsity Coed Track & Field

Varsity Coed Golf

Varsity Boys Volleyball

Varsity Boys Baseball

Varsity Girls Softball

Varsity Boys Tennis


The 7th /8th grade teams will meet 3-4 times a week for practices and games with the bulk of practices and games being scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Varsity and Junior Varsity teams meet Monday through Friday and may have games on Saturdays. Once a student has been selected for a team, commitment, as well as behavior, sportsmanship, respect, and teamwork, is expected for every season he/she participates in. Coaches will hand out packets with practice, game schedules, and team rules at the first meeting. Schedules can be found online at the schools website. Students will be finished practicing between 5:00pm and 5:30pm.  Home games will be over by 6:00pm, and we anticipate that the teams will arrive back at school around 6:30pm-7:30PM from away games.  All students must go back to school after games unless they are picked up at the game by a parent or a letter is presented to the coach giving permission for the student to be dismissed from the game site.


I encourage you to check the schools website often and become familiar with what it has to offer. You can see all the team schedules, permission forms, and directions to fields.


Please go to Magnus APP to upload your physical. Every student must have a physical on file with the school nurse prior to beginning the season in which they plan on participating. 


Being selected to a Leman Manhattan Prep athletic team carries the expectation that the student-athletes will be committed to their sport, coach, and teammates for the entire season. As our sports are based on teams, the relationship between school and family is yet another Léman Manhattan team. We ask that families schedule and plan accordingly so that student-athletes may have the fullest possible athletic experience. Looking forward to seeing you at the games. GO BULLS!!!!

Be well,


Keith Sequeira

Director of Athletics and Physical Education
Léman Manhattan Preparatory School  


Dear Upper School and Middle School Students and Families,

If you have not done so far and you are interested in playing a sport this fall,  please click on the sign-up for Fall Athletics Form.   

Fall Season (August(end)-October(end)):

7th & 8th Grade Co-Ed Soccer Team-Begins Monday 8/28 at 11am in the Morris Street Gym 

7th & 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Team- Begins Monday 8/28 at 2pm in the Broad Street Gym

Varsity Girls Volleyball Team-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 10am in the Morris Street Gym

Junior Girls Varsity Volleyball-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 10am in the Morris Street Gym

Varsity Boys Soccer-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 11:00am in the Morris Street Gym

Varsity Girls Soccer-Begins Monday, 8/21 at 11:00am in the Morris Street Gym

Varsity Girls Tennis-Begins Monday, 8/28 at 10am in the Morris Street GYM   

Varsity Co-Ed Cross Country Team -Begins Monday, 8/28 at 2pm in the Morris Street Gym

7th & 8th Grade Co-Ed Swimming Team -Begins Tuesday 9/27 @ 3PM in the Morris Pool

Varsity Coed Swimming- Begins Tuesday 9/27 @ 3PM in the Morris Pool  


Winter Season (November-March): Form. 

7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball-Begins November 13th  

7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball-Begins November 13th 

7th & 8th Grade Co-Ed Swimming-Begins November 1st                                                                              

Varsity Boys Basketball-Begins October 30th 

Varsity Girls Basketball-Begins October 30th

Junior Varsity Boys Basketball-Begins October 30th 

Junior Varsity Girls Basketball-Begins October 30th                                                                                                                           

Varsity Coed Swimming-Begins November 1st

Varsity Coed Track-Begins November 6th

Varsity Coed Table Tennis-Begins November 7th 


Spring Season (March-May):

7th & 8th Grade Coed Track & Field 

Varsity Coed Track & Field

Varsity Coed Golf

Varsity Boys Volleyball

Varsity Boys Baseball

Varsity Girls Softball

Varsity Boys Tennis


The 7th /8th grade teams will meet 3-4 times a week for practices and games with the bulk of practices and games being scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Varsity and Junior Varsity teams meet Monday through Friday and may have games on Saturdays. Once a student has been selected for a team, commitment, as well as behavior, sportsmanship, respect, and teamwork, is expected for every season he/she participates in. Coaches will hand out packets with practice, game schedules, and team rules at the first meeting. Schedules can be found online at the schools website. Students will be finished practicing between 5:00pm and 5:30pm.  Home games will be over by 6:00pm, and we anticipate that the teams will arrive back at school around 6:30pm-7:30PM from away games.  All students must go back to school after games unless they are picked up at the game by a parent or a letter is presented to the coach giving permission for the student to be dismissed from the game site.


I encourage you to check the schools website often and become familiar with what it has to offer. You can see all the team schedules, permission forms, and directions to fields.


Please go to Magnus APP to upload your physical. Every student must have a physical on file with the school nurse prior to beginning the season in which they plan on participating. 


Being selected to a Leman Manhattan Prep athletic team carries the expectation that the student-athletes will be committed to their sport, coach, and teammates for the entire season. As our sports are based on teams, the relationship between school and family is yet another Léman Manhattan team. We ask that families schedule and plan accordingly so that student-athletes may have the fullest possible athletic experience. Looking forward to seeing you at the games. GO BULLS!!!!

Be well,


Keith Sequeira

Director of Athletics and Physical Education
Léman Manhattan Preparatory School                                                                              


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